100+ Python Projects Challenge
Someone told me that Python is very easy to learn but it’s difficult to use it to do something. So I think if we can learn Python programming by do some real projects it’ll helpful. That’s the reason I made the github repo https://github.com/zhiwehu/Python-programming-exercises several years ago and now I’m making a new one: https://github.com/zhiwehu/100_plus_Python_Projects_Challenge
Today I just pushed the challenge 3: add text watermark on pictures.
Add text watermark on pictures
- Run the code in console using command line.
- It’ll ask you what’s the text you want to add as watermark, and the text size, transparency and position. Please use 20, 50% and bottom right as the default values.
- It’ll add the text watermark on every png pictures in the ‘images’ dirtionary of the current path, and save these pictures into ‘watermark’ dirtionary.
What will we practice in this project?
- for loop
- input text
- if conditions
- functions
- tuple
- Open/save files
- Image RGBA conception
- os package
- PIL package (need to install by
pip install pillow
A reference code
import osfrom PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
def get_position(image_width, image_height, text_width, text_height, position_id=9, margin=10):
Get the position of the text by the position_id
1: top left, 2: top center, 3: top right
4: middle left, 5: middle center, 6: middle right
7: bottom left, 8: bottom center, 9: bottom right
:param image_width: image width
:param image_height: image height
:param text_width: text width
:param text_height: text height
:param position_id: position_id
:param margin: the text position margin value to the image
:return: text position tuple
margin = 10
if position_id == 1:
return (margin, margin)
elif position_id == 2:
return (image_width // 2 - text_width // 2, margin)
elif position_id == 3:
return (image_width - text_width - margin, margin)
elif position_id == 4:
return (margin, image_height // 2 - text_height // 2)
elif position_id == 5:
return (image_width // 2 - text_width // 2, image_height // 2 - text_height // 2)
elif position_id == 6:
return (image_width - text_width - margin, image_height // 2 - text_height // 2)
elif position_id == 7:
return (margin, image_height - text_height - margin)
elif position_id == 8:
return (image_width // 2 - text_width // 2, image_height - text_height - margin)
elif position_id == 9:
return (image_width - text_width - margin, image_height - text_height - margin)
def add_watermark(filename, text, font_name='Roboto-Italic.ttf', font_size=20, font_opacity=50, position_id=9):
Add watermark function
:param filename: origin image filename
:param text: watermark text
:param font_name: Roboto-Italic.ttf, you can use your font, please make sure your program can find it
:param font_size: font size, default is 20
:param font_opacity: font opacity, default is 50
:param position_id: position id, defalut is 9 (bottom right)
# get an image
with Image.open(filename).convert("RGBA") as base:
# make a blank image for the text, initialized to transparent text color
txt = Image.new("RGBA", base.size, (255, 255, 255, 0)) # get a font
fnt = ImageFont.truetype(font_name, font_size)
# get a drawing context
d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
# get the text widht and height
text_width, text_height = d.textsize(text, font=fnt)
# get the text position of the image
pos = get_position(base.size[0], base.size[1], text_width, text_height, position_id=position_id)
# draw text with opacity
d.text(pos, text, font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 256 * font_opacity // 100))
out = Image.alpha_composite(base, txt) # save the image file
out_filename = 'watermark/{}'.format(os.path.basename(filename))
if not os.path.exists('watermark'):
out.save(out_filename, 'PNG')
if __name__ == '__main__':
text = input('Please input a watermark text: ').strip()
font_size = int(input('Please input the font size: [20]') or '20')
font_opacity = int(input('Please input the font opacity: [50]') or '50')
# 1: top left, 2: top center, 3: top right
# 4: middle left, 5: middle center, 6: middle right
# 7: bottom left, 8: bottom center, 9: bottom right
position_id = int(input('Please input the position: [9]') or '9') for f in os.listdir('images'):
if f.endswith('.png'):
filename = 'images/{}'.format(f)
print('add watermark for {}'.format(filename))
add_watermark(filename=filename, text=text, font_size=font_size, font_opacity=font_opacity,
Run the demo
- make sure you have a
dirtionary and put somepng
files in this dirtionary - use
pip install requirements.txt
to install packages - run it in console
python 3.py
- it’ll add watermark on every picture in
dirtionary and save them towatermark

Please feel free to let me know if you have any ideas so we can put your ideas into a real Python project.